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Solar Return
Solar Return (June 6th 2022) is a collage made on my father's would-be 71st birthday using hand-drawn birthday cards that my mother made...

Is Now My Past
Collage made out of a combination of my mother's watercolour art, my father's writing and architectural home renovation plans, dried...

A Disconnect From Now Is Still Past
Collage made from my mother's watercolour art, my father's found writing on receipts, rose petals and images from old National Geographic...

Carole's Ghost
Collage of photograph's of my father's girlfriend Carole before she passed away from bone cancer. The central photograph is of her with...

And At The Hour Of Our Death
Collage using my father's childhood Catholic School books, namely, "My MaryBook" (1959) with my favourite childhood book "Animals Born...

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